11 de mayo de 2016

Life hacks

During my life thanks to my parents and actual experience I've learned a few life hacks that you may or may not know, but I thought about sharing them because maybe they can be as useful as they are to me. 

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1. Exploit every single drop 
Whenever you think you've finished a hand cream, a shampoo, etc. And you've spent hours shaking them or ended up with red hands, no more! Cute it in half and you would be able to use every drop of product you spend your money on.

2. Multiple use for a clip
If you have a zip which it's all the time opening itself or it's broken, use a clip and you can continue using that.

3. Non dry food 
When you leave opened a bag of chips or biscuits after a few they get dry and don't taste the same as before, but by closing it with a clothes peg, a hairpin or a elastic band that problem would be erased. 

4. Soft skin in an instant 
Instead of using a body cream that takes hours to dry, use a baby oil after your shower or bath and after you dry yourself with a towel you would be moisturise and perfect to go.

5. Always have a pendrive with you
You will never know when you are going to need one and if you're studying or working with documents, it can be a life saver.

I hope you liked it and don't forget to let me what you think on the comments. Thank you :) xx
TW/IG/SC - raquelgr_23