26 de octubre de 2015

Skeleton make up - Halloween 2015

As you all know halloween is next weekend and me and some of my friends have decided to do a halloween home party dresing us up and all of that stuff. I didn't want to spend too much money in a costume which I'm only going to use once so I went for a skeleton. I wanted to do only half of my face and then a full-on black outfit but first I wanted to try the make up to know what to do on saturday (so instead of take an hour and a half while I listen music and sing along, I can be done in less than an hour).

I watched first some youtube videos to inspire me and these ones were the ones which helped me:
Skeleton make up #1
Skeleton make up #2
Skeleton make up #3

And here you have final result:

Sorry I all the pictures are taken in the bathroom but I was sitting on the flor in front of a big mirror with great light.

I you liked it and want to know how to do that look, continue reading.

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You will need:
- Face paint in black, white and red colour (whatever you find, don't worry)
- A cheap eye pencil (this was 1€ and it's even waterproof)
- Different makeup brushes
- Black, white and dark brown eyeshadows 

Let's begin the make up! 

First you take the red paint color and surround the half face you decide to be the skeleton.

Second you make the black lines around your eye, nose, cheek bone and jaw with firstly the eye pencil and then you fill them with the black face paint, but be careful around your eye because if you are like me and wear lenses you don't want anything at all to go inside your eye.

Third you fill everything inside the red mark wich is not black with the white face paint. And insists as much as you need till you hace a very white base.

Fourth with a fluffy brush (the second on the right in the picture above) you put white eyeshadow where is white and then with the same brush you put black eyeshadow on the eye, cheek bone, jaw bone and over the red line where the hair begins so that part have a bit of redness and looks more realistic. Then with a smaller but still fluffy brush (the first on the right and the second on the left) you do the same with the smaller lines. But also don't forget to blur the middle-face red line so it's not that harsh with a flat brush (the one in the middle).

Fifth with the black face paint and a small and thin brush (the first on the left) you make small details as those around the eye and above  the lips. And we go back to the eyeshadows! You put the dark brown one around every black line which is limiting with white you have and blend it, but then with a bit of black you repeat the action so it's not so strong the difference 

And finally you do the other half of your face as you want it. I went for a black smocky eye and full-on red lipstick, but as I said you decide and I'm sure it will look amazing.

And a surprise! A video of me showing you the make up being me (because I don't know how to describe that lol) and singing (I told you before)

I hope you liked it and don't forget to let me what you think on the comments. Thank you :) xx

12 de octubre de 2015

My top lazy weekend dinner

I'm going to start this saying I'm not a cooker in any sense, I don't know how to cook almost everything so please don't judge any of my skills (I laugh at myself because I actually need to put myself together and learn, don't worry).

I don't know how people do omelettes because the moment I have to fip it I just ruined everything, so instead of feel bad about myself I just turn my omelette in a "scrambled eggs" kind of thing. I also made up this "recipe" (if you can call it that...) so sorry about the measures beforehand I do it by eye and what I feel in that moment.

You will need:
- Two normal size hell eggs
- A tomato (if it's too big I only use half of it)
- Oregano (it's optional but I absolutely love the taste of it)
- Cheese (whatever you want, like or have)
- A pan
- A bowl
- A fork or whisk
- A pinch of salt (it's optional, I don't put any but maybe you like it)
- A wooden spoon oa a spatula

I begin turning on the cooker a bit high to I don't have to wait too much (yeah you can see I a patient person *sarcasm*) with the pan on it and when it's ready I put the cheese in the pan so it begins to melt. Meanwhile I break the eggs and whisk them up (and here is where you would add the salt) and then I add them to the cheesy pan (you saw what I did there, don't you?).

As soon as the eggs and the cheese begin to thicken up I do what I call "the trick to lie yourself so it looks like you know how to cook but you actually don't". You take the wooden spoon and you basically break the thicken eggs as much as you like and want, so you don't have to worry to do a good-looking omelette.

When it's still a bit fluid I add the oregano and I continue "breaking the eggs" (and yes I know that don't sounds good). At the add I add the tomato and keep them for a bit so the liquid of the tomato mix up with everything and it makes it tastier (for me of course!).

¡ Y YA ESTÁ ! (and it's done!) (et voilà!) (sorry but I don't know more languages)

An easy, quick and lazy tasty dinner for those of you who don't know how to cook and don't want to waste time even trying it as me. I really hope it helps you somehow and if you try it, it taste good and tell me about it.

I hope you liked it and don't forget to let me what you think on the comments. Thank you :) xx

5 de octubre de 2015

Early autumn school outfit

I don't know how is the weather in other places and countries around the world right now, but in Madrid (Spain, in case you didn't know) is not that cold as it should be in autumn/fall. We have between 20 and 25ºC (68/77ºF and yes I looked that on internet because I didn't know the change between celsius and fahrenheit, but I wanted to everybody to understand it, sorry) so you want to cover yourself but with light things because with the minimum you walk it can be too much. In the mornings it's a bit chilly but one you've passed midday it's sunny and warm.

I just came up with a perfect outfit for this. I have a simple short sleeve and v neck white top, a common and plain black jeans, a light brown boots with little holes on the sides so the air can go inside and you don't get too hot, a old light brown tartan scarf which was too short to wear as a normal one but too cute to throw away (and when I say old I mean I wore it when I was 3 or 4 years old. yep) and a black biker jacket I bought 5 years ago but it's perfect in the chilly mornings and you can take it of as soon as the day warm up enough.

Sorry for the pictures you are going to see because one is not focus (aggggggggg *insert annoyed emoji*), in other my hand is doing I don't know what, in another I'm doing a stupid pose but I didn't know what to do more and if you know me personally you'd know I do things like that all the time and in the last I have a really creepy smile

I hope you liked it and don't forget to let me what you think on the comments. Thank you :) xx