12 de octubre de 2015

My top lazy weekend dinner

I'm going to start this saying I'm not a cooker in any sense, I don't know how to cook almost everything so please don't judge any of my skills (I laugh at myself because I actually need to put myself together and learn, don't worry).

I don't know how people do omelettes because the moment I have to fip it I just ruined everything, so instead of feel bad about myself I just turn my omelette in a "scrambled eggs" kind of thing. I also made up this "recipe" (if you can call it that...) so sorry about the measures beforehand I do it by eye and what I feel in that moment.

You will need:
- Two normal size hell eggs
- A tomato (if it's too big I only use half of it)
- Oregano (it's optional but I absolutely love the taste of it)
- Cheese (whatever you want, like or have)
- A pan
- A bowl
- A fork or whisk
- A pinch of salt (it's optional, I don't put any but maybe you like it)
- A wooden spoon oa a spatula

I begin turning on the cooker a bit high to I don't have to wait too much (yeah you can see I a patient person *sarcasm*) with the pan on it and when it's ready I put the cheese in the pan so it begins to melt. Meanwhile I break the eggs and whisk them up (and here is where you would add the salt) and then I add them to the cheesy pan (you saw what I did there, don't you?).

As soon as the eggs and the cheese begin to thicken up I do what I call "the trick to lie yourself so it looks like you know how to cook but you actually don't". You take the wooden spoon and you basically break the thicken eggs as much as you like and want, so you don't have to worry to do a good-looking omelette.

When it's still a bit fluid I add the oregano and I continue "breaking the eggs" (and yes I know that don't sounds good). At the add I add the tomato and keep them for a bit so the liquid of the tomato mix up with everything and it makes it tastier (for me of course!).

¡ Y YA ESTÁ ! (and it's done!) (et voilà!) (sorry but I don't know more languages)

An easy, quick and lazy tasty dinner for those of you who don't know how to cook and don't want to waste time even trying it as me. I really hope it helps you somehow and if you try it, it taste good and tell me about it.

I hope you liked it and don't forget to let me what you think on the comments. Thank you :) xx

12 comentarios:

  1. It looks delicious! maybe I will try it tonight for dinner:)


  2. it looks good, thanks for sharing!

    danielle | avec danielle

  3. They look so good!!


  4. Great recipe with nice pictures. It looks really good. Hope you have a great day. xo, Teng


    1. Thank you so much! I sure did and I hope you too lovely :) xx

  5. Wow, I'm definitely going to have to try this, it looks so delicious! xx

