9 de noviembre de 2015

Perfect november look

November and autumn (or fall) is finally here and that means cozy jumpers, hot drinks and dark lipsticks. So I decided to create a cute and simple very autumny outfit with a couple of new stuff I bought a month or so ago and a couple I already had on my wardrobe.

Here you have the links:
Black fedora - Stradivarius
Maroon jumper - Stradivarius
Black jeans - Stravivarius
Black boots - H&M

I love wearing black and more on chilly weather, but I find a full black outfit a bit boring so I added the lovely marron jumper and a white elephant necklace I bought in a local market last summer, with the Screen Siren lipstick in my last post.

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The outfit:

The clothes:

Maroon jumper - Stradivarius (19.95€)

Black fedora - Stradivarius (19.95€)

Black jeans - Stradivarius

Black boots - H&M

I hope you liked it and don't forget to let me what you think on the comments. Thank you :) xx